Tag Archives: light speed

December Days Pass at Light Speed


Maybe Science Facts will be able to prove that days in December pass at light speed

I had all the good intentions of participating in this month’s Blogging Challenge even though I knew it would be extra challenging as December is always busier than the rest even if  I know I have less going on than others.

It is difficult to imagine how during university, I took a full course load, had papers and finals, worked retail about 30 hours/week plus family and friend gatherings during this month. Perhaps youthful energy and a bit of a slightly OCD/over achiever personality?  Where did that person go? 😉 

Last month’s big NaBloPoMo was focused on many newcomers signing up to participate and get the posting daily. However, for the rest, there is a theme to help focus thoughts and this month, it is seasonally appropriate for December:   J O Y.  There are some prompts that I really like but not sure how many I will get to nor will they be in any particular order.

What do you do when you’re down to bring yourself a little joy?

This prompt made me giggle a bit.  While growing up, I was a tom boy, but eventually, found myself drawn to the colourful world of cosmetics. I practised the newest”looks” with my friends, but in fact never wore much on a daily basis due to long days filled with early morning or after school sports team practices or games.

I must have been in my 20’s when I somehow ended up in a local drug store after a bad day at work and found myself wandering the cosmetics section. Human nature – my eye was drawn to a SALE sign. Hmmm, a rainbow of hues from nude, pink, red, purple and browns. Which shade would look best? Moisturising, long lasting, shimmer, gloss, so many choices. Trying out the various options provided a good distraction from the troubles of the day and by the time I left the store with one or two new purchases and a lighter spirit. And while I do covet the +$35 Dior Rouge, I stick to the drug store brands to keep the damage <$10.

As a “feel better” treat, it was relatively long lasting, non-caloric, not overly expensive and no regrets the morning after. 😉


Not all “bad day” purchases, but a good collection. But it’s time to cut myself off. 😉

However, as you can see, the last thing I need is another lipstick. I’m being grown up and have cut myself off.

Instead, I am doing something else that I hope gives a lift to the soul in giving of myself: my time, expertise, or words. In Giving is Good for the Soul, the post describes the benefits of giving of oneself, and how it covers physical, emotional and spiritual well being. I have often heard, if you want to stop thinking about your worries, spend time volunteering and helping others.

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver. – Maya Angelou


I hope that being this type of Giver will bring both the receiver and me some joy.  While I hope that I will try to give each day, for this holiday season, I am planning for the 12 Days of Christmas so that will give me until January 5th.  I will report back in the new year about how this little project goes in giving and receiving Joy.

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